You Need A Camera!
You need to pick a good DSLR. I know that mirrorless is all the new rage , but I still love my Nikon D850. I am a Nikon girl! Not that I have anything against any of the other brands. I just personally hate learning new products! I started with a D90 that my father in law so graciously gifted me 9 years ago! I kept that cropped sensor camera till 3 years ago when i launched my newborn photography business!
You need a lens?
Many ask what is the best lens for newborn photography. That all boils down to preference, I personally think you need a wider angle Lens, I started with a cheaper 35mm 1.8 lens. It is still in my camera bag and I still love it! Since this blog is all about the essentials this lens will definitely get the job done! What i currently use is the 24-70mm 2.8 lens it is a beast! I also work in a small studio and have found the the 24--70 is an absolute favorite for small spaces! Don't think you have to break your bank to get started.

What are some essential props?

posing beans!
you absolutely need good quality posing beans. I try and find ones that are firm that won't loose their shape, I would say at least one set to start but you will quickly find that

Stretch knit wraps
you can go to your local fabric store and cut 1/3 of a yard of 4 way stretch fabric these are essential for wrapping the baby nice and tight. Etsy is also a great place to find these!

Finding a good basket that will fit a baby is a great start. There are many prop sites on the market. You can also go to a craft store and find cute baskets. Something to keep in mind is the size! the trick to place you elbow in the basket and lay your arm down if it goes to your wrist then you know a baby will fit in it nicely!

basket stuffers!
You need some some nice fluffy basket fillers. There are some beautiful chunky knit blankets made just for newborn photography on Etsy.

Dog Bed!
Yep a dog bed! Some prefer a bean bag, but those take up so much space and who wants to deal with the filler beans. I personally think a large dog bed like this picture straight from amazon works amazing! You can clip your fabric right to the bars!

Heavy duty Clamps
You will you these to clip your fabric to you dog bed! These are for bed poses! I have purchased mine from the local hardware store, however amazon have amazing options!

Backdrop Fabric
Two yards of any 4 way stretch knit fabric will do. I prefer to also cut a 1/3 of a yard of the same fabric to have for a wrap as well!

Faux wood floor
I prefer a floor that can be rolled up or folded up. I work out of a small studio so I like the convenience of being about to just roll them up fro storage,

Tie-back Headbands
I prefer to buy a tie back headband it is nice that you can adjust the size simple by tying and untying for different sized babies heads!

You need to keep you work space warm and comfortable for the baby, Babies hate being cold so when they are not swaddled in blankets you need to mark sure the room is warm enough for them to stay sleepy and not get too cold, Remember that babies can't regulate their temperatures so you need to keep a close eye on them to make sure they don't get too warm or too cold.

Baby Shusher
Babies sleep well with white noise the baby shusher is a must have in my studio. I keep it close to baby and it helps sooth them to sleep and helps to keep them startling for other noise in the room. Just trust me you won't regret it!

This product is amazing babies love the vibrations. When you have a baby that is having a hard time settling to sleep you will be so thankful when you can reach for this little vibrating paddle. i will place it on the dog bed while I am posing the baby. I have found that they don't wake a much when they can feel the vibrations!
Don't Stress about getting everything at once!
I know that when it comes to newborn photography it is so easy to see all the cute little outfits, hats, bows, colors ect. I say just keep it simple start with these basics then you can slowly grow your stock pile. I still prefer to always work with a white or cream color backdrop on my dog bed. I have found that all of the outfits that I have purchased work will with this color. Yes i own other colors but I rarely use any other color of backdrop. You don't need all the cute outfits you can Start taking newborn photos. You can buy one outfit for each gender, or you can use a wrap to cover their diapers so you don't have to worry about the baby peeing or pooping on your blankets. But remember it will happen just rinse and spot treat your blankets before washing and they will be good as new!

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